Flip'n Furniture Store Hours:
Hours: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM MON-SUN
Phone: 603-960-1746
Email: flipnfurniturenh@gmail.com
About Flip'n Furniture:
FLIP'N FURNITURE is a subsidiary of The Bridge House in conjunction with Ladder's Thrift and Step Ladders on Main Street in downtown Plymouth.
Flip'N opened August 31, 2017, to help fund The Bridge House Shelter, to provide job skills training, and to offer volunteer opportunities, especially for veterans.
Flip'N inventory features quality home furnishings, interesting home goods, collectibles, and uniquities.
We accept gently used furniture, vintage clothing, and household items that are clean and of good quality. Please call ahead if you have a large donation.
We schedule pick-ups by appointment.
Please call 603-960-1746 to schedule a pick-up or email us at flipnfurniturenh@gmail.com.
(Note: We reserve the right to refuse any pick-up.)
If you would like to help with a cash donation, you can donate here or stop by and see us.
Flip'n Furniture's Mission:
- The shop provides critically needed revenue to maintain the mission of the Bridge House Shelter and Veterans' Advocacy Programs.
- It serves as the training site for the employee skill-building basics series, Excellence in Customer Service.
For more information call Bridge House 603-536-7631 or call Cathy Bentwood 603-455-1057.